Sunday, July 03, 2005

Roger Federer and the pursuit of excellence

just watched Federer win his 3 rd successive title and yes, its been a one sided final...which is good...because i would rather watch a genius at work, rather than two evenly matched players.. unless ofcourse both were of genius calibre. i dont think Federer is in Sampras class yet, but surely way ahead of the rest of the top 10 players.

business excellence is actually no different to sporting excellence except that it is expected to be sustained year round, whereas sporting excellence is dependent on the performance of the player(s) on that day. what is interesting is that sporting achievements are more closely linked with national pride than business achievements..maybe it is due to our cavemen days when we were dependent on our achievements in hunting to feed the family/tribe..

Bill Gates surely has a word or two to say about business excellence. he came across vey well, atleast to me, at the Live8 @ Hyde Park.

i am a little puzzled as to why he consented to come onto Live8...maybe because he is the world's foremost philanthropist and Africa is a good platform to be on these days...while Live 8 was a great event and did surely help in raising awareness, it has not presented any solutions to Africa's problems. those problems are more to do with the maturity of African governments, corruption, etc. than to do with more western aid to Africa.

in any case Live 8 was good to watch just for Pink Floyd

Sunday, June 05, 2005

whither goes mobile

serving ISVs gives an interesting perspective on technology and its adaptation. like a few years back, none of our clients gave .NET a second look. today even the most diehard Microsoft haters are jumping onto the .NET bandwagon.

interestingly in the last 1 year or so almost every third person we talk to is doing something in the mobile space or planning to dosomething in this space. be it workflow applications, communication applications, enterprise applications, mobile seems to be the flavour of the month.

i was at a conference in february when Mike Short of O2 compared the mobile space to the Wild West. he was right. being a new technology frontier, the application providers in this space are all pioneers. the technology is largely nascent and experienced skills, whilst available, are not run of the mill. Business models, channels to market, product offerings - all are still being tried out and it is very much a 'trial by error' scenario at a macro level.

it is interesting to compare Geoffrey Moore's 'Crossing the Chasm' bell curve to the adaptation of mobile technologies.I would put all those mobile application developers in the Innovators category and would give about 3-5 years for early adopters to arrive in terms of established ISVs offering mobile solutions. i think those who have viable products and have a sustainable business plan in the mobile space will be around in the next 5 years as market leaders with a high margin business at the moment, but move on to low-medium margin-high volume business as competitors start to emerge and their value propositions become more mainstream.

Ajit Jaokar's Mobile Applications Club and his blog
is a good forum to network with application providers and movers and shakers in the mobile space. what strikes me is most mobile application providers seem to be B2C organizations with the rare B2B application provider.

in the last few decades we saw a few momentous shifts in technology - the advent of the mainframe, client server computing, Windows, the WWW (,whichever way you view it) , and i think the next big thing will be Mobile. i am not yet sure if Mobile will attract the same hype or will enable the same kind of wealth creation we saw in the .COM days, but i would be surprised if it didnt.

so if there are wannabe entrepreneurs out there who are seeking their next big idea, i would suggest the Mobile/Wirelesss domain be one they focus on...

there is also Nano.. but more on that in another blog.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

blogs - useless noise?

not really sure whether blogging is worth all the hype... have a sneaking feeling that it contributes to the noise in the www and a blog by joe next door will need differentiation to stand out....

there is all this stuff about blogging being used by marketeers and the like.. and i really fail to see how it will work unless you have someone like bill gates or bono writing a blog..

i think most people blog because of the 15 minutes of fame syndrome.. and on the www make it 15 seconds..

yours truly has been bitted by the bug